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Paint for Belgium 2023


Bijgewerkt op: 28 jul 2023

Paint for Belgium in Azelhof in Lier this year. What a super location for a show. The horses who are with us were Only Jetset Allowed (photo), Special Orenda Assets and Tecumseh Dancer. All the horses did their best. Only Jetset Allowed: open halter 2,2,2 3 times reserve champion halter stallions 4,4,4 longeline open 2 year old in hand trail 5,4,3. Special Orenda Assets: open yearling halter 4,4,4 open yearling in hand trail 1,1,1 with a score of 75,5! jackpot yearling & 2 year old in hand trail 4th place. Tecumseh Dancer: Shown by Femke Kramer (youth) and Agnes Kramer (novive) Diva had a hard times last winter and since 3 weeks we are back on track and also do some lopework under saddle. Diva and Femke placed almost in all classes in the middle. Good job girl! I'm proud of you! Agnes showed Diva in 3 year old and older in hand trail and got places 3,2,3 in open and 3,3,3 in amateur. Well done! Next stop --------> Euro Paint with Special Orenda Assets and Kustommade Investment.

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